Another book recommendation for the novice antique map collector. One of the major problems confronting the collector is that of identifying the maps he collects. This is often difficult, for many maps lack the maker's name, the date, the publisher or other helpful detail. Owing to the practices of map publishers in the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries, attributions of a very large number of maps and their identification is today a matter for the expert. In this book Mr Tooley lists and describes nearly 500 maps in such detail as to facilitate identification. He gives the full title, maker's name-often a short biography-size, date, edition or re-issue, significant internal changes and variations. In addition, as an indispensable visual aid to identification the book contains more than 100 full-page reproductions of maps, six in full colour. . . Above: Collectors Guide to Maps of The African Continent and Southern Africa. Tooley R.V. Publisher: Carta Press 1969
Size: 10" x 7.5" (255mm x 190mm). Hardcover. Condition: Good. Dust Jacket Condition: Good. See more antique maps Reference Books |
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