Another print from Jenkins The Martial Achievements of Great Britain and Her Allies from 1799 to 1815. Below the print is a short excerpt from the original written account as published with the print. Wellington’s victory on 22nd July 1812 over the French army of Marshal Marmont, during the Peninsular War, leading to the re-capture of Madrid; also known as the Battle of Los Arapiles or Les Arapiles. The battle involved: 50,000 British, Portuguese and Spanish troops against 52,000 French troops. Allied losses numbered 3,129 British and 2,038 Portuguese dead or wounded. The Spanish troops took no part in the battle as they were positioned to block French escape routes and suffered just six casualties. The French suffered about 13,000 dead, wounded and captured. As a consequence of Wellington's victory, his army was able to advance to and liberate Madrid for two months, before retreating to Portugal. Above: Battle of Salamanca, July 22nd 1812. London Published Jan1st 1815 by J. Jenkins, 48 Strand. From The Martial achievements of Great Britain and Her Allies from 1799 to 1815 by James Jenkins.
Excerpt from the written account as published: MAY 16, 1809. THE annexed illustration represents the allied troops, under the command of the Duke of Wellington, then Sir Arthur Wellesley, in the line of battle in which they were drawn up at the taking of Salamonda. The fore-ground is occupied by the great Lord, a title given by the Portuguese to that illustrious commander; and in this part of the print is also delineated his staff, with some of the artillery employed against that place. The high and encomiastic title of Great Lord, given by a country of rigid Catholics to one whom they conceived to be a heretic, is a striking proof of the effect of splendid talents over the most inveterate prejudice. In this battle the Guards, as appears in the extract from the dispatches annexed, gave another proof of their valour and discipline: but, as the Duke of Wellington has often declared in his dispatches, where all have behaved well, it is invidious to mention any single body. England expected-nor has she been disappointed-every man to do his duty! Extract of a Letter from Sir ARTHUR WELLESLEY, addressed to Lord CASTLEREAGH, dated Monte Alegre, 18th of May, 1809. On the evening of the 14th, I was certain, from the movements of the enemy's detachments, in the neighbourhood of Braga, that he intended to direct his retreat upon Chaves or Monte Alegre; and I directed General Beresford, in case of the latter movement, to push on for Monterey, so as to stop the enenmy if he should pass by Villa de Rey. General Beresford had anticipated my orders to march bis own corps upon Chaves, and had already sent General Silvierra to occupy the passes of Ruivaes and Malgassey, near Salamonda. I arrived at Braga on the 15th (General Murray being at Guimariens, and the enemy about 15 miles in our front), and at Salamonda on the 16th, where we bad an afair with their rear guard. The Guards, under Lieutenant-General Sherbrooke.... How to Identify the Prints: The original prints from The Martial achievements of Great Britain and Her Allies from 1799 to 1815 are aquatint engravings on a medium weight wove paper. Plates also exist that were printed on India Paper. They should clearly identify bottom left W. Heath (delt) who did the drawings and bottom right T. Sutherland (sculpt) who produced most of the aquatint engravings with some by D. Havell, M. Dubourg and J. Hill. Each plate has the date of publication and the name of the publisher beneath the engraved title. The approx engraved area of the plates are 8.5" x 7.75" (215mm x 195mm) including the engraved title text. Engraved plate mark area is approx 8.5 x 11.75 (215mm x 300mm). The large sheet size is approx 11.5" x 14" (290mm x 355mm). You can see more prints from Jenkins The Martial achievements of Great Britain and Her Allies from 1799 to 1815 HERE. If you're interested in a specific print and you cannot see it on my website please feel free to message me. |
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